My Que Huong Cu Lao Tan Thoi fruits and vegetables

These are all the fruits and vegetables that I can recall back in the mid late 1980s before I left Vietnam as a refugee seek new life in America. These are actual fruits and vegetables that I have eaten and grown mostly in my grand parents yard. Some I even help grown myself. There are tons of other variety in Vietnam, but many I never got a chance to eat before.

“Nhang Long” – In front of my grand parents house, also house where I live until departure to new world, there were a few “Nhang Long” trees, if I recall back correctly, it only provided fruits once a year and need to be carefully taking care of prevent birds from eating it. The taste was so naturally sweet and smell really good.

nhan long
nhan long

“Mon Cau Ta” – Although this fruit doesn’t look nice, but it also taste so creamy sweet good. Also grown in the backyard. Kind of tricky to know when it’s ready to eat.

mon cau ta
mon cau ta

“Binh Bat” – This fruit grow on the side of the pond or creek or river, next to the water, it doesn’t have a taste, so plain, but when mixed with sugar, it is creamy good. Be careful of the tree fire ants when trying to get this fruit, because I got bitten a few times trying to get this fruit.

trai binh bat
trai binh bat

“Ban” – Watch out for the special “Ong Ban” bees, it can stung and hurt really bad, I got bitten a few times trying to get this fruit. This fruit doesn’t taste good plain, but dip with chilly salt, it’s good, but don’t eat too much it can give you sort of a bad stomach ache. I like the exploration to find this tree with a small boat down the creek to pick it.

trai ban
trai ban

“Oi” – This fruit smell good when ready to eat, the tree is one of the strongest tree I’ve ever climbed, I felt down a few times though, luckily it was just mud and soft dirt, no major injury. Don’t eat the seeds, it’s hard to digest, basically all you really eat is the outer layer.

trai oi
trai oi

“Man” – This fruit is beautiful, although some don’t taste as good. I remember going to my “Giuong Tu” house and pick a few every visit, dip it with chilly salt, yum taste pretty good, watch out for the bugs.

trai man
trai man

“Mit” – To many people this fruit stink, it smell bad, smell like fart, but I like it. It is true that the seeds if you boil and eat it, it will give you gas :). This grown in front yard, when it smell and crack, meaning it’s good to eat. It taste sweet.

trai mit
trai mit

“Cao”- I don’t eat this, but my grandma chew on it like tobacco, normally chew with “Trau”. The tree is tall, very tall, hard to climb and get the fruit. I never taste it but watch my grandma chew most of the time, and also I attempted to climb to get it for my grandma but didn’t make it, way too high to climb for me at the time.

trai cao
trai cao


Ruong Lua
Ruong Lua


sa ku che
sa ku che

“Thanh Long”

Trai Thanh Long
Trai Thanh Long

“Du Sua”

vu sua
vu sua




le ki ma
le ki ma


cam vietnam
cam vietnam


Vietnam quyt
Vietnam quyt


Vietnam buoi
Vietnam buoi




trai khom
trai khom


trai thom
trai thom


cay trau
cay trau

“Mon Cau”

mon cau
mon cau

“Dua Nuoc”

dua nuoc
dua nuoc

“Dua” and “Dua Eo”

dua - dua eo
dua - dua eo



“Du Du”

cay du du

“Rau Cang Cua”

rau cang cua
rau cang cua

“Rau Muon”

rau muong
rau muong

“Cay Song Doi”

cay song doi
cay song doi

“Siri” or “So Ri”

Trai So Ri
Trai So Ri

“Chum Rout”

chum ruot
chum ruot

“Chom Chom”

chom chom
chom chom


trai khe
trai khe