Last day for eating vegetarian I think

thien chua - god's world - gods love everyone of us don't loose faith
thien chua - god's world - gods love everyone of us don't loose faith

For weeks in a row, every Friday me and my wife been eating vegetarian, it’s part of the Roman Catholic culture 🙂 Although I have to be honest saying I don’t attend Sunday mass frequently but my wife does, I have to watch after the kids, if I bring the kids to church, I know I will not be able to watch after them as a result will not be able to concentrate either, so what’s the used of going to church? many people would say, there is no excuse! ok then 🙂 There are time that I pray every night for an hour, now a day just talking to god for a few mins each night keeping god inform and pray what I need to pray I think is good 🙂 I pray for winning the lottery billions of dollars and pray to have more beautiful wives and have plenty of smart children LOL no off course not, although I could, but that won’t happen hehehehe. So yeah! peace to the world, intelligent people to explore space and beyond, bring humanity out of earth and explore space and other planets, everyone have jobs and help each other out, and keep on exploring new ideas that can benefit the world without hurting each other 🙂