Power a motor with another motor home experiment 1989

Another experiment that I did while I was in Middle school was, trying to power a motor with another motor and light bulb. The idea was jump start a motor belt to another motor that can generate power back to the other motor power it and with extra power to light up a light bulb, well I did this because I was stubborn to understand “you cannot get free lunch” in this case, basically you cannot produce more energy from another source of energy, well I did the experiment anyway.

Picture below. As you can see two motors, both have permanent magnet motors. So what I was put a belt from motor A to motor B, jump start motor A that would turn motor B to generate electricity, as you can see it does generate power, but when I connect the power to motor A it stopped, so the experiment fail. But, I was able to generate electricity to power a light bulb and some other small electronic devices that doesn’t use a lot of power like a digital watch… I this is a good test, it can be use as concept for future alternative energy, clean energy that is.

generate power from a motor
generate power from a motor

Similar experiment that I did was with solar cell, the idea again is to get the solar cell power up a light bulb and use that light bulb as light source for the solar cell to produce power, well, it failed again. No such thing as “free lunch”

Solar power light
Solar power light